AMAZING FACTS ABOUT SONY COMPANY - Interesting Facts About Sony Company

Sony, a name that is believed to be blindfolded in the world of technology. Its sound system is not a match with anyone. No more information is available on Sony about the Internet, but by the way, we have found some interesting facts, let's read.

1. Sony had brought its first product in late 1946, which was an electrical rice cooker. The biggest drawback of this product was that rice had never been crude in it, and it was more likely to be cooked.

2. The first company name was "TTK" (Tokyo Tsushin Kenkyujo). After 12 years it changed the name to SONY.

3. Sonny's name was named before the name of Sony, which means young. Sony named so that people could easily remember.

4. The name of the company is placed on Sony Latin language "Sonus". It means sound and no need to tell how powerful Sony's sound system is.

5. The world's first Walkman Sony company was launched. The reason for its popularity was that it was US, United Kingdom and
In Australia, different names were sold.

6. There was a great friendship between Sony founder "Akoi Morita" and Apple founder "Steve Jobs".

7. The world's largest gaming company Nintendo made a mistake by making a video game from Sony. This game failed in the market and Sony left Nintendo behind by building herself a play station.

8. In 1998, Sony launched Camcorders. This device could look up to the inside of the fabric.

9. According to March 2015, Sony has 1,31,700 employees worldwide.

10. Time of 10:35 is displayed in all Smartphone and Tablet of Sony Company.

11. Sony has made his headquarter a "golden pig" in Tokyo. It is also considered the company logo. Sony has suffered a lot for this.

